SUMMER Activities for Kids . We teach Maths, English & Science from Year 1 to GCSE and A-Leve. Register Now

Covid 19 Policy



Considering the current pandemic, Ideal Centre intends to implement this policy to minimise the risk of  disease transmissions by providing precautionary measures across all of its relevant environments. The policy has been developed in light of the guidance shared by the government for Educational & Childcare settings.

Policy Guidelines

The policy guidelines described below apply to children, parents, visitors and staff members. All guidelines must be strictly followed and the tuition reserves the right to enforce them to ensure total compliance with UK government’s guidance.

  • Only children who are symptom-free or have completed the required isolation (in accordance with NHS guidelines) should attend the setting.
  • Taking temperatures of children using a non-contact thermometer will be considered by Ideal Centre.
  • Children will be allocated their group and given designated rooms within the setting. These groups will not mix during the day so that contact with others is minimised
  • Children in their group will wherever possible have the same staff team for them to limit the amount of people coming into contact with each other.
  • Children will be supported in age appropriate ways to understand the steps they can take to keep themselves safe including regular hand washing, coughing into an elbow, using a tissue and adopting a “catch it, kill it, bin it” procedure.
  • Children will be supported to understand the changes and challenges they may be encountering as a result of COVID-19 and staff need to ensure they are aware of children’s need for emotional support at this time.
  • Only parents who are symptom free and / or have completed the required isolation period will be able to drop off or collect their child.
  • When parents are waiting to drop off or collect their child, social distancing should be maintained. As such, only one parent should be at the entrance at a time, all other parents should form a queue in the available space in parking.
  • As far as possible parents/guardian should not enter the setting.
  • Parents will only be allowed in the setting where prior appointment has been made and only in the office to discuss any matters with respect to their child. Social distancing rules will apply.
  • In specific cases where a child is distressed and a parent is required to enter the setting to assist in settling the child, we will seek to ensure minimal contact between the parent and other children and staff members whilst also where possible conducting this outdoors.
  • Parents should inform the management if their child is not attending and if there is any change of circumstances, this is in line with our safeguarding policy.
  • Parents should ensure that Ideal Centre has an accurate email address and phone number, as the management will in the first instance seek to communicate with parents via email.
  • Ideal Centre will provide clear communication in respect of any updates to our policies or any material changes in respect of the educational & childcare provision in line with the government guidelines.
  • Attendance to the premises will be restricted to only children and staff as far as practically possible. Visitors will not be permitted into the premises unless essential (i.e. emergency maintenance work).
  • Where visits are required (i.e. prospective parents viewings) these will be conducted outside of the usual operational hours.
Precautionary Measures
  • All children and staff must wash their hands thoroughly upon arrival and departure from the Ideal Centre.
  • Children and staff members will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently, this includes before and after eating food, after visiting the toilet or common areas, after sneezing, blowing their nose or coughing into their hand or dealing with any unwell child.
  • An enhanced cleaning schedule will be implemented that includes furniture, surfaces, stationaries and other equipment. All staff are responsible in their area of work.
  • Communal areas, touch points and hand washing facilities will be cleaned and sanitised regularly.
  • No food will be permitted from outside temporarily.
  • Staff will carry out a daily risk assessment before opening to address any risks from the virus, ensuring sensible measures are in place to control risks.
  • Windows will be kept open where possible to ensure good levels of ventilation.
  • Children will not be permitted to go outside during the breaks, it applies to all age now (previously only KS1 & KS2 students weren’t allowed).
  • During breaks, all children will stay in their designated areas supervised by members of staff.
  • The government guidance is that PPE is not required for general use in childcare/educational settings to protect against COVID-19 transmission
  • If a child shows symptoms, staff should wear a face mask, visor, disposable gloves, and apron if a 2-metre distance cannot always be maintained.
  • PPE will be disposed of following government guidelines.
Responding to a suspected case
  • In the event of a child developing suspected COVID-19 symptoms whilst attending the setting, they should be collected as soon as possible and isolate at home in line with the current NHS guidance.
  • Whilst waiting to be collected, the child should be isolated from others in an identified area with a staff member from their room. This area should be thoroughly cleaned immediately after the child has been collected. The staff member may consider wearing the appropriate PPE as outlined above.
  • The staff member who supported the unwell child does not need to go home unless they are developing symptoms themselves.
  • In the event of a staff member developing suspected COVID-19 symptoms whilst working at the workplace, they should return home immediately and isolate at home in line with the NHS guidance whilst also following the appropriate testing advice for themselves and their household.