Tips for doing a better a level result
March 24, 2022 2022-11-03 16:43Tips for doing a better a level result
A Level Tips
1. Keep organised
The key to being a successful student is organisation. Some people are naturally organised and do not need a diary or a planner to keep at the top of their studies. But most of us need to keep some kind of notes on what it is we are and should be working on. It is a good idea to buy a planner just for your A level studies – that way you can keep notes on all your classes, assignments and reading lists in one place. And you will always know where to find your deadlines or test dates.
It is also useful to separate all your subjects from one another in a separate ring binder. That will make it easy to access all the information you need during or after your classes to complete assignments. It will also be useful when you are preparing for exams because all the information you need will be in one place.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Asking questions is one of the best ways to become a good student. It is a good idea to ask questions whenever you are stuck on anything. Are you struggling with your assignment? Go ahead and ask your friends, they might have helpful tips on how to complete it. Or ask your teachers, they will appreciate the extra effort you are taking to make your assignments perfect. Remember, there is no such thing as a bad question – a good student asks lots of questions!
3. Pick your subjects wisely
When it comes to A levels, it is really important to pick your subjects wisely. Not just because certain universities have subject requirements. You will be the best student when you like the subjects you are studying. It is much easier to stay motivated when you enjoy your coursework . If your chosen university requires an A level subject that you do not enjoy or are not excited about, you might want to reconsider your university degree choice. Your chosen degree will build on the material in the required A level subjects, so if you do not enjoy those subjects you will not enjoy the degree you have chosen.
4. Understand your strengths and weaknesses
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you are very good at waking up early to revise, but not so good at studying at night. Or is it the other way around? You need to understand yourself and your body to be a successful student. To get good A levels you need to experiment to discover which study methods work for you. This will take some trial and error on your part. Listen to feedback from your tutors and friends constructively as you try out new ways of working that suit you. Make use of your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses to turn them into strengths.
5. Work on your exam technique
Ultimately, the best A level advice I can give you is to do well in your exams. Good exam grades are one of the most important factors for being admitted to university. So it is very important to find out what your exams will cover. Get your hands on as many past papers as you can and analyse what kind of questions are asked. You will probably look at past papers in class with your tutor before your exams, but to get a head start start working on your exam technique as soon as possible. Try asking some of the older students for study tips for exam technique tips. They often have creative A level tips that can help you be a successful student!